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Exposer Grid Examples

Exposer Grid


On this page I show you some layouts that are possible with the grid view in Exposer. You can also combine all the options shown here to create your own look for Exposer. You have over 50 available options (in the gridview) for content, configuration and styling.

Exposer List Examples

Exposer List


All the demo options shown on this page can be combined for list views.

In the example shown above, the additional information of the article (custom fields) was also output and styled by the integrated UIKit classes "uk-card uk-card-secondary uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-border-rounded uk-animation-scale-up uk-text-small" and "uk-table uk-table-small uk-table-divider".



Exposer Slideshow Examples

Exposer Slideshow


There are several transition types available - Choose between: fade, slide, push, pull, scale

The example above shows the flexibility that is possible. Just define the desired aspect ratio - Exposer will do the rest. Also, in the example above, the overlay is drawn over the entire size.

Exposer Slideshow Example #4 (Viewport)